As the summer heats up before settling into the cooler temps of fall in Louisiana, school is starting which means more drivers, school buses and pedestrians sharing the road. Safe driving is paramount as those school zone lights start flashing. These tips can help you drive safer and minimize your chance of an accident.
The National Safety Council has several tips for safe driving. School buses are back out and there are safe ways to drive near, around and behind one. Always pay attention to the flashing lights and stop signs. During the morning and afternoon, school buses pick up and drop off children. The driver uses stop signs and flashing red lights to indicate kids are loading or unloading. Do not go around a bus if their stop sign is out or the lights are on. Give the school bus enough room to allow children to safely enter and exit the bus.
AAA recommends keeping an extra watch out for bicycles this school year. Many kids walk or ride their bikes to school but may not be as steady on their wheels as adults. Slow down for safe passing and be sure to allow extra room between the vehicle and the bicycle. Stop for crossing guards allowing children and parents to cross the street to schools. Keep an extra eye out when reversing to avoid hitting a child heading to school behind the car.
Driving safe this fall starts by staying alert and paying attention. Leave the house a few minutes early to have extra time on your commute. Keep a look out for pedestrians on foot, bicycles and school buses.