Dedicated Personal Injury Attorneys Protecting Your Rights

Month: March 2020

Recovering from spinal cord injuries

If you end up in an accident that damages your spinal cord, you might wonder whether you have any chance of recovery. While it is true that many people do not recover motor function lost as a result of a spinal cord injury, in some cases, people may improve their...

The best ways to prevent truck accidents

Commercial truck accidents happen every day on U.S. roads, and many result in injuries and fatalities. One significant cause of truck accidents is due to overworked and tired truck drivers. Under these conditions, drivers often show poor judgment on the roads.  What...

How risk-free is hands-free?

In today’s world of constant communication and social media updates, you may have succumbed to your “need” to text or talk on your cellphone while driving. Even though Louisiana bans all cellphone usage while driving, you may have thought you were safe doing it...