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Can blood sugar issues or diabetes result in a motor vehicle crash?

On Behalf of | May 12, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Everything from your age and sex to the time of day and size of your vehicle influence how likely you are to get into a crash. You may not have any major risk factors for a collision, but the person who smashes into your vehicle might.

Chemical impairment, fatigue and distraction can all contribute to the likelihood of a collision. Serious medical issues can also directly contribute to a crash.

Diabetes has become one of the most common chronic medical conditions in the country. Could another driver’s blood sugar issues play a role in a collision that leaves you hurt or damages your vehicle? If so, are they responsible for the damage that they cause?

Blood sugar issues can affect driving skill

High blood sugar and low blood sugar can adversely affect someone’s driving capability. Undiagnosed diabetes could lead to issues ranging from ketoacidosis to issues with weight management.

Individuals who don’t know they have diabetes who caused a crash because of their blood sugar may not be responsible for the outcome. However, those who have a diagnosis with diabetes or who are pre-diabetic know they have an obligation to test and manage their blood sugar levels.

Failing to check their blood sugar before getting behind the wheel might mean that a driver has issues ranging from loss of consciousness to impaired decision-making. Overall, those with diabetes have a 12%-19% higher risk for a crash compared with everyone else on the road. In other words, the effects of blood sugar on driving skills put someone at higher risk for a crash.

Improper medical management is no excuse for dangerous behavior

Given the myriad ways that blood sugar issues could affect your driving skill, you would think that those with diabetes should take every step necessary to make sure they were safe to drive, including checking their blood sugar before they get behind the wheel.

When police officers assign fault for a crash to another driver, you can make a claim against their insurance. In scenarios where someone ignored or did not manage their diabetes symptoms, such negligent behavior might also open the doorway to a personal injury claim if the other driver’s losses exceed their insurance coverage.