Dedicated Personal Injury Attorneys Protecting Your Rights


When Is It Unsafe for Senior Citizens to Drive?

It is natural for cognitive functioning to decline with age, even in those who do not necessarily have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. This decline might happen gradually, but at some point, it will affect an individual’s ability to stay safe while behind the wheel....

Does a Concussion Require Medical Treatment?

A concussion is a kind of mild traumatic brain injury, or mTBI, and is typically the result of a blow to the head. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most people recover from mTBIs within a matter of days; however, for some individuals, the...

Auto Insurance Premiums Increase in Louisiana

According to WBRZ2, Louisiana residents can expect an increase in their auto insurance premiums for the fourth year in a row. Some motorists may even experience a double-digit hike in rates. Female Driver Making Phone Call After Traffic Accident, looking at the...